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太極研究學社簡介History of Institute of Tai Chi Arts

太極研究學社於1994 年由唐堯風博士創辦。唐博士是鄭曼青大師的弟子,1982 年自台灣移民美國後即開始教授太極。大華府附近的Columbia, Silver Spring, Gaithersburg 及洛城都有他的弟子。太極研究學社創辦後,他繼續在這些地方免費開班授課。

太極研究學社的宗旨是傳授及研究太極,推廣太極的哲理以及其對身心健康的益處。唐博士師承鄭曼青大師,注重簡化的楊式太極拳。鄭曼青大師於1960 年代即將楊式太極拳介紹給西方。


雖然唐博士已於2002年英年早逝,受教於他的學生不計。許多他的“第一代”弟子秉承著他的精神及太極研究學社的宗旨,繼續着傳授並推廣太極。最盛時期太極研究學社有諸多分社,包括:哥城分社, 華府分社, 週中夜間分社, 美華分社, 北維分社, 和海洋大氣總署分社。有些分社提供週末的春季班和秋季班而有些分社提供全年度(八月除外)的週日課程。自1997年起,我們開始在六月和七月舉辦夏令營。



The Institute of Tai Chi Arts (ITCA) was founded by Dr. Tom Tang in 1994. Dr. Tang, a disciple of Master Cheng Man-Ching, started teaching Tai chi in 1982 when he immigrated to the U.S from Taiwan. He taught at many locations in the Greater Washington D.C. area: Columbia, Silver Spring, Gaithersburg, and Rockville. He later founded the ITCA with practices at all these locations.

The purpose of the ITCA is to offer the teaching and learning of Tai Chi, to promote the culture and philosophy of Tai Chi and its health benefits. To follow Master Cheng’s tradition, Dr. Tang mainly practiced the simplified Yang style of Tai Chi, which Master Cheng brought to the Western world in the early 1960s.

Tai Chi draws on the traditional Chinese Taoism, which believes in the interdependence of yin and yang of the body and mind. With the efforts of many people like Dr. Tang, Tai Chi is increasingly gaining popularity around the world. Anyone, young and old, male or female, strong or weak, rich or poor, can practice Tai Chi at any place, any time, by oneself or with a group, without any special equipment or uniform.

Over the years, Dr. Tang taught countless students without any charge of fees.  Many “1st generation” students are carrying out Dr. Tang’s wishes to spread out the art of Tai Chi and to continue the mission of ITCA. At its peak, ITCA has many chapters which include:

  1. Columbia Chapter - Howard High School
  2. Hwa-Fu Chapter - Thomas Wootton High School
  3. Weekday Evening Chapter - Julius West Middle School
  4. Mei-Hwa Chapter - Richard Montgomery High School
  5. Northern Virginia Chapter - George Mason High School
  6. NOAA Chapter - NOAA Silver Spring Campus

The chapters meet regularly. The weekend programs offer Fall and Spring sessions, normally starts one week after the Labor Day and ends the following year, one week after the Memorial Day. The weekday programs are year-round except August. Since 1997, we began offering summer camp in June and July.

To continue the spirit of Dr. Tang, all of our instructors and supporting staff are volunteers receiving no compensations. The fee of membership for our program is rather inexpensive. Our major expense is renting out the facilities used for Tai Chi classes. ITCA is open to the public and is a federally recognized non-profit organization.

[Dr. Tom Tang 1955-2002]