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太極研究學社(ITCA) 2025 春季班將於一月二十六日開課

(ITCA 2025 spring semester classes will start on January 26th, 2025) 

太極研究學社2025年度春季學期將於一月二十六日開始上課。地點是位於洛城市中心的 Richard Montgomery High School(250 Richard Montgomery Dr.  Rockville, MD 20852 ) 的食堂 (Cafeteria) 。

時間是每星期日下午二時至四時。前四十五分鐘是由老師帶領的太極養生操和基礎動作練習,接著有六個不同程度的班供學生選擇:太極初學班 (A1),短拳班(A2),短拳複習班(A3), 長拳班(B),太極劍班 (C) ,總練班(D)。教學以楊式太極拳爲主,時間許可將增練太極八式及八段錦。四時以後並有三十分鐘的二人對練散手班。


The Institute of Tai Chi Arts (ITCA) will start classes of this 2025 spring semester on Jan 26th, 2025. The classes are every Sunday from 2-4pm at Richard Montgomery High School (RMHS Cafeteria: 250 Richard Montgomery Dr., Rockville, MD 20852). ​​We only charge tuition fees each semester to cover the cost of venue rental.

The teaching is mainly Yang-style Tai Chi. The first 45 minutes is health cultivating Tai Chi exercises and basic Tai Chi movements. Time permitting, Tai Chi Eight Forms and Ba-Duan-Jin (Eight Brocades) using Tai Chi principles will also be taught. From 3:00 to 4:00pm, there are six different levels of classes for students to choose from: Tai Chi Beginner Class (A1), Short Form Class (A2), Short-form extension (A3), Long Form Class (B), Tai Chi Sword Class (C), and Combination Class (D). In addition, there is an optional push-hands class from 4:00 to 4:30pm. Classes will be led by 20+ year experienced, bilingual teachers.


氣候因素停課通知 School Closing due to Inclement Weather 

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